Dr. Amr mohammed sallam

Obstetric and Gynecology specialist

Somoha clinic :59 vector amanuel street , somoha

Need To Talk

01010585803, 034256922

Dr. Amr mohammed sallam


Specialized in the management of infertility, ICSI , laparoscopic surgery, and hysteroscopic surgery.

  • Member of the Egyptian Fertility And Sterilty Society(EFSS).
  • Received master degree in obstetric and gynaecology in 2007 after spending 3 years in El-Shatby university hospital as a visitor resident.
  • Worked in El- salama hospital from 2006 until 2016 as obstetrician and gynaecologist .
  • Worked in IVF specialized outpatient cliniq for 5 years in which he was sharing in preparation of hundreds of ivf cycles beside his own work.
  • Has been certified in various highly accredited courses concered with the subspecialty of infertility management.
  • Infertility and ICSI hands on training workshops in obstetrics and gynaecology department in Alexandria university .

Focus Area

  • Obstetric and Gynecology

Patient Reviews


Years Of Service
