Dr. khaled zohni
Obstetric and Gynecology consultant
Need To Talk
+1(514) 575-1775

- M.B.B.Ch: Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery , 1995, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Rotational internship, 1996-1997, Alexandria university hospitals, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology,1997-2000, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Master degree
- PhD:Department of Medicine - Experimental medicine division, 2013, McGill University, Quebec, Canada.
Professional Experience
- Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt - Internship. [March 1, 1996 till February 28, 1997].
- Ministry of Health, Alexandria, Egypt–General practitioner. [April 1, 1997 till December 11, 1997].
- Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt - Resident at Obstetrics and Gynecology program. [December 12, 1997 till December 12, 2000].
- Egyptian governmental health insurance services, Alexandria, Egypt – Registrar at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [January 9,2001 till September 30, 2001].
- Misr University for Sciences and Technology, City of 6 October, Egypt - Registrar at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [October 30, 2001 till June8, 2004].
- National Research Centre, Giza, Cairo, Egypt - Assistant Researcher/specialistat the department of Woman Health and Reproduction Research[June 9, 2004 till January 18, 2007].
- Universität zu Lübeck, Lubec, Germany – Visitor fellow to the department of obstetrics and gynecology and ART unit. [December 1st, 2005 till March 31st 2006].
- McGill University, Montreal, Quebec- PhD candidate experimental medicine division and Obstetrics and Gynecology department. [January19, 2007, till June 13, 2013].
- National Research Centre, Giza, Cairo, Egypt –Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist/ Researcher at the department of woman health and reproduction. [July 13, 2013 till July 1st 2015].
- CReATe Fertility centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada –Clinical fellow of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI), the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [August 15, 2015 till date].
- Mohamed Youssry, Batuhan Ozmen, Yasser Orief, Khaled Zohni, Safaa Al-Hasani. Human sperm DNA damage in the context of assisted reproductive techniques. Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2007; 5: 137-150.
- Khaled Zohni, Safaa Al-Hasani. Future aspects in human gametes cryopreservation. Journal of family and reproductive health 2008; 2: 1-11.
- Mohamed Youssry, Batuhan Ozmen, Khaled Zohni, Safaa Al-Hasani. Current aspects of blastocyst cryopreservation. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2008; 16: 311-320.
- Khaled Zohni, XhangFan Zhang, SeangLin Tan, Peter Chan, Makoto Nagano. Spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) recovery after a treatment with an alkylating agent, busulfan reflects fertility restoration in the mouse. Journal of Human Reproduction 2012; 21(1): 44-53[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22082982].
- Khaled Zohni, XhangFan Zhang, SeangLin Tan, Peter Chan, Makoto Nagano. CD9 is expressed on human male germ cells that have a long-term repopulation potential after transplantation into mouse testes.Journal of Biology of Reproduction 2012; 87(2): 1-8[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22592495].
Book Chapters:
- Makoto Nagano, Jonathan Yeh, Khaled Zohni. Human adult stem cells. In: John R Masters, Bernard O Palsson (eds.), Human cell culture, vol. 7, 1 ed. Netherland: Spring; 2009: 157-170.
Non-scientific publications:
Author of two published novels:
- Short stories collection published 2011 titled: « From Soukhna to Tahrir square : the search for a revolution ».
- A novel published 2013 titled: « Caesarean ».
Grants and Awards
- PhD scholarship grant, the Egyptian ministry of higher education [2007-2013].
- Graduate student and post-doctoral fellowship award, the Centre for the study of reproduction (CSR),McGill university [2009-2010].
- McGill university Alma Mater travel award [2009].
- Réseau Québecois en reproduction (RQR) award [2009].
- Center for the study of reproduction (CSR) travel award [2009].
- Center for the study of reproduction (CSR) travel award [2010]
Focus Area
- Obstetric and Gynecology